My experience was phenomenal and right on time! The speakers were so uplifting and real. This conference came at a time when I was at a warfare with my home, my job, and my finances. What really put me over the top was when Prophet Kim prophesied over me and confirmed what I had heard and what has been my struggle. It was so powerful! It helped me. It healed me. I cannot wait until next year!
Michelle R. / Bethlehem / F2 Women's Conference
I can say that I had a good time and my soul was blessed with the Word that came forth. I began to see something that I had not seen and it gave me better character in giving thanks.
Sharon D. / Gainesville / F2 Women's Conference
I had a woderful time! The Word of God went forward on Friday night and was a right now word! The kick off was in praise and worship where the presence of God filled the place.
Connie E. / Auburn / F2 Women's Conference
Your words were very powerful. I enjoyed your presence and those encouraging words. God Bless you.
Lavern S. / Lithonia / GFPAM Women's Conference